Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Form
On Duty - Mobile Dog Gym LLC. Telephone: 855-593-6634 ext #3
I understand that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog(s) while my dog(s) is/are exercising on manual treadmills with On Duty - Mobile Dog Gym LLC.
I understand that my dog(s) must be current on monthly heartworm preventions and that they have had a yearly heartworm test with a negative result. On Duty- Mobile Dog Gym LLC has recommended a yearly wellness physical by my veterinarian, and I certify that my dog(s) have no current restrictions for exercising.
I also understand and agree that in admitting my dog(s), On Duty- Mobile Dog Gym LLC has relied upon my personal representation that my dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person.
I further understand my dog(s) will be carefully supervised at all times during exercise on treadmills. I am aware that minor scrapes and scratches may occur.
While my dog(s) is/are in the care and custody of On Duty - Mobile Dog Gym LLC, if I am unreachable in the event of an emergency, I hereby authorize On Duty - Mobile Dog Gym LLC, its agents, and/or representatives to seek immediate veterinary care for my dog(s). I understand that all costs in connection with veterinary, medical, or other treatment shall be my responsibility.
I hereby agree to save and hold harmless, On Duty - Mobile Dog Gym LLC, its directors, officers, shareholders, employees, assistants, members, and agents from any and all liability, claims, loss, injury or damage which I or my dog(s) may sustain, or which may be caused in any way by my dog(s).
I specifically, without limitation, agree to fully indemnify On Duty- Mobile Dog Gym LLC for all such liability, claims, suits, actions, losses, injury or damage.
I certify that I have read and understand the rules and regulations set forth herein and that I have read and understand this agreement.
I agree to abide by the rules and regulations and accept all terms, conditions and statements of this agreement and confirm the truthfulness of the contents of the health records provided by me.
Photo/Video Release: I grant On Duty - Mobile Dog Gym LLC permission to take photographs or videos of my dog(s) during gym sessions for promotional or marketing purposes.
*Avoid food/water for at least one hour prior to treadmill activity. Dogs should have short trimmed nails to help avoid injury while running. Please walk your dog to allow them to relieve themselves prior to treadmill activity. *While we do understand that nerves can play a part and accidents happen, we'd like to lessen the occurrence.
A 24-hr cancellation notice is appreciated and will avoid a $25 fee.